Spring is coming... these little flowers are poking their heads up out of their winter cover of wet leaves...

Thursday morning here and I have been trying to track down more iron salts for my work with cyanotype.... Geez!!! It's hard to get some of this alternative photo chemistry here in Europe. So far, I have only found some small amounts (for a large sum!) via an Austrian supplier. I wish I'd been able to travel with more materials, but I think I am lucky to have gotten to DK with any supplies at all. Looks like shipping from US might actually be my best bet?

I am also continuing to make simple molds for slip-casting. Above, modeling a clay "negative" precedes pouring plaster. The first half of the mold is below. I will test the finished product today with the commercial Royal Copenhagen porcelain slip. No idea how this delicate handle will release form the mold??
Ah, the morning is waning and there is studio work to be done... I will be working late this evening, I think.
I am very glad to have gotten my public presentation accomplished last night... you will guess this is not my favorite task!! A slide show and lecture... in English to a room full of Danes!? Good turnout though, and a bottle of local Skaelskor wine presented to me at the end in appreciation!
Thursday morning here and I have been trying to track down more iron salts for my work with cyanotype.... Geez!!! It's hard to get some of this alternative photo chemistry here in Europe. So far, I have only found some small amounts (for a large sum!) via an Austrian supplier. I wish I'd been able to travel with more materials, but I think I am lucky to have gotten to DK with any supplies at all. Looks like shipping from US might actually be my best bet?
For me, because I can't read Danish and am unfamiliar with the shops and what they carry, even yesterday's search for simple hydrogen peroxide (brintoverilte in Danske) was an adventure...!! Makes me think how easy my life in the States is, how (of course) we take many things for granted.
In addition to cyanotype materials, I am trying to find a place to make transparencies (photocopies on clear acetate).... another convoluted search which remains unresolved
so far, and to find access to Photoshop (which I have to admit, I don't have on this laptop), so I can create my negatives (rather than positives) for contact printing. Although this facet of my work is a bit frustrating, I realize it's just part of the whole experience and I try to work around these details creatively (rather than against/at odds with?)... and to concentrate on the fact that I am happily engaged in studio projects which are yielding results. My testing of cyanotype on bisque-ware (unglazed work which has been once-fired to fairly low temperature) continues to give me a lot of information. I have much to learn about the chemistry of the cyanotype, but in forging ahead- blithely ignorant?- I will continue to get results and eventually some finished pieces! Yesterday, I found out how copper sulphate can deepen the blue of an image, and that soda ash, applied at just the right time, can bleach out faded highlights.
I am very glad to have gotten my public presentation accomplished last night... you will guess this is not my favorite task!! A slide show and lecture... in English to a room full of Danes!? Good turnout though, and a bottle of local Skaelskor wine presented to me at the end in appreciation!
I'd like to take a break today, if the weather holds, to head out on my (more or less) trusty german two-wheeled adventure companion to explore some dirt trails I found out by the ocean...
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